
Gaining weight is the easiest job I the world and losing that fat is the toughest thing one has to do, and many people are just not comfortable with surgery hence the solution is non surgical weight loss liposuction by LavaTRON. It is a procedure that helps men and women lose that stubborn fat, which just do not get off no matter how much exercise and dieting they do.

Non surgical Liposuction removes that stubborn fat and cellulite without going through the surgical process, with various techniques which helps different parts of the body. This procedure is effective on the face, neck, arms, legs, hips and stomach.

Who is an ideal candidate?

An ideal candidate is a person who is in overall good health, an adult and is just looking for some help on those few pounds they cannot simply shed.

What is the procedure?

LavaTRON involves no anesthesia hence there is no being under and no waking up feeling dizzy and drowsy. The patient make an appointment for the procedure, walk in for the procedure and be out of doctor’s office in 1 hour and have the entire procedure over with and get back to their everyday life.

How it works

Radio frequency which is up to 250W is send into deep tissue to raise temperature of hypodermic depths to 39-47. Electrodes of different sizes are applied to various parts of a body. This method is absolutely safe with automatic of maximum output power setting based on electrodes size and automatic control of output by perceiving temperature of surface of the electrodes.

Controlling obesity & body shape

Through a high-frequency thermal massage the biological waste removes on its own which acts deep on a patient’s subcutaneous fat and increases skin elasticity by regenerating collagen tissues which helps in controlling the obesity.

Enhancing scalp health

Deep heating helps blood circulation which supplies lots of oxygen and nutrients to scalp and sprout hairs, preventing them from falling out through a stimulation and sterilization of their roots via a thermal effect.

Relieving pain

An increase in temperature up to 39-47 through an application of high-frequency to dermis & hypodermis helps relieve pains by facilitating the fibrous function of collagen tissues, blood circulation, and cellular functions.


The LavaTRON provides consistent results. After the treatment there will be no swelling, bruising, discomfort, pain or tenderness. There is no bandages needed, you can walk in and out the same day of the procedure.

Why should you opt for non surgical weightless

  • If you want a well sculpted body
  • If you want to remove extra Fat in certain areas.
  • If you are not in favor of weigh loss surgery.

Regardless of the reason, non-surgical liposuction by LavaTRON is a great way to sculpt your body in a series of treatments that will reduce inches and give you great results.