Facelift Surgery
As we age, our skin loses its luster, its charm, its glow and no anti aging crème no matter how expensive or powerful works on it in such situation facelift is the best solution.
Technically known as rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:
- Sagging in the midface
- Deep creases below the lower eyelids
- Deep creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth
- Fat that has fallen or is displaced
- Loss of muscle tone in the lower face may create jowls
- Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw can make even a person of normal weight appear to have a double chin
Who Is an Ideal Candidate For A Facelift?
This procedure is for both men and women at any age.
The following is a list of factors that can affect whether or not an individual is a good candidate for facelift surgery:
- Skin Elasticity
- Strong bone structure
- Realistic Expectations
- Overall good Health
- Loose skin on the face and neck
What Do I Need To Do Before The Surgery?
- You will have to avoid aspirin as well as aspirin containing products for 2 weeks before surgery.
- Quit smoking at least four weeks before surgery.
- Avoid getting a suntan.
- Avoid skin rejuvenation creams like Retin-A, 2 weeks before surgery.
What is the procedure?
Many different techniques are available for face lift which is reliable, safe, and long lasting. The incisions will depend on the area of the face that is targeted and the amount of change you want. Once the incisions are made, various procedures are performed so that the deeper layers of your face are lifted. Such procedure will separate the overlying skin of the face and neck from the muscles and tissues deep to the skin which will loosen up the facial and neck skin so it can be re draped at the end of the procedure. Once the skin re drapes over the new underlying structure, the incisions are closed with stitches and/or small metal clips.
Regardless of the type of facelift you undergo, you will have incisions around your ear.
In Traditional Facelift
The incisions are made in your hairline at the temples which continues around the front of your ears, though it will be hidden in the natural creases behind your ears.
In Neck Lift
Incisions start from the front of your earlobes and continuing around behind your ears in your lower scalp. There will also be a small incision underneath your chin as well.
Facelift scars can be virtually invisible: narrow, flat, and well placed behind the ear so you can wear your hair close-cropped. A facelift will take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours depending on how much is done and which type of procedure is done.
Side Effects and Complications
There are no side effects of the procedure but there may be some bruising, primarily in the neck region. The bruising will usually last 2 weeks the swelling will last 3-4 weeks. There may be some pain after surgery, but this is usually controlled with pain pills.
It will probably take 3months for all the bruising swelling and pain to resolve. After that you will be able to see the results. This procedure is safe, result orienting and long lasting
Cost of the procedure
Prices may vary from person to person depending on their needs. For further information regarding hair removal treatment cost kindly calls us on +919272007896, +918485084716 or mail us on dezireclinicindia@gmail.com or you can visit our clinic for detailed consultation with the expert doctor.