Liposuction Pune
Now liposuction is not ‘only for the rich and famous’, it is now becoming a better alternative for any person who has found it difficult to ‘trim down ‘.Even though they have been eating healthy and exercising. It is offered for the person who want to get back the curves and shapes which can enhance their looks after they have failed with gym, yoga, pills, dieting, slimming equipment etc.
Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately, enhancing your self-image.
Despite good health and a reasonable level of fitness, some people may still have a body with disproportionate contours due to localized fat deposits. These areas may be due to family traits rather than a lack of weight control or fitness.
Liposuction surgery can be used to treat stubborn fat pockets in many parts of the body including the thighs, arms, neck, hips, waist, back, inner knee, chest, cheeks, chin, calves, and ankles. In some cases, liposuction is performed alone, in other cases it is used with plastic surgery procedures such as a facelift, breast reduction, or a tummy tuck.
Liposuction surgery is not a treatment for obesity and is not a replacement for regular exercise and good eating habits. People with stubborn areas of fat and who exercise regularly are the best candidates for this procedure.
As our age progress both men and women start accumulates fat in particular areas of the body that simply cannot be removed by dieting or exercising. Liposuction for men and women in these circumstances is an effective method for the removal of localized fatty deposits and a body contouring procedure. With megaliposuction weight loss eventually occurs with healthy eating habits and exercise
Ideal Candidates For Liposuction
- Areas of fat deposits that are out of proportion with the rest of your body and do not go away with diet and exercise so called diet resistant fatâ€
- Adults within 30% of their ideal weight who have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone
- Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing
- Non-smokers
- Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for body contouring
After marking the areas to be sculptured, spinal or general is given depending on the amount and location of the fat.
A small incision of about 5mm is given in hidden areas like the belly button, in the crease under the buttocks so that they are less visible.
Infiltration of ‘tumescent fluid’ with the infiltrating instrument into areas of ‘fatty pockets are done. Tumescent fluid is an anesthetic solution that consists of a dilute local anesthetic lignocaine which numbs the area, a small amount of adrenaline which causes the temporary shrinkage of blood vessels to reduce bleeding, and sodium bicarbonate which causes the softening of the fat all of which help to reduce trauma to the body and fasten the recovery time post liposuction.
An aspiration instrument called cannula is attached to the aspirator machine which has high negative pressure through which it suck the fat into a canister.
A single stitch is taken to close the incision which will be removed around 10 days
The small incisions used for access of the instrument known as a cannula, will fade over a number of months usually becoming barely visible
Body Parts Where Liposuction Can Be Done
The Results
Your improved body contour will be apparent when the swelling and fluid retention commonly experienced following liposuction subside.
With continued practices of healthy diet and fitness, the loss of excess fatty tissue should be everlasting maintained.
Recovery After Liposuction
The local anesthetics injected into the tissue remain there for approximately 12 to 24 hours following liposuction surgery which minimizes postoperative discomfort.
Immediately after the procedure, dressings and a special compression garment is applied to firmly support the areas and help remove the tumescent fluid. There will be leakage of pink-tinged fluid through the holes site for about 24 to 72 hours. This is normal and it helps to minimize bruising.
A 5 days course of oral antibiotics, pain killers and anti inflammatory medicines will be prescribed
Recovery is usually fast. You can resume your normal activities within 48 hours depending upon person to person.
Physical exercise can be resumed when the individual feels comfortable doing so. Light exercise immediately following the procedure, such as a walk is beneficial and encouraged to gain quick mobility.
Swelling and bruises will disappear gradually within 2- 3 weeks and further improvement in shape and curves will occur for 3 months.
Care After Liposuction
Sensible eating and exercise is necessary to maintain your weight, which is the foundation of good liposuction results. Do not substitute liposuction with good healthy lifestyle.
Potential Risks Or Side Effects
It is an absolutely safe procedure, doesn’t carry any serious side effects if done by expert hands. There are temporarily side effects which resolve on its own over a period of time like swelling, discomfort, bluish discoloration and small slit like scar which heal very well.
Liposuction Results Will Be Long-Lasting
It may take1-3 months for the swelling to fully dissipate after liposuction surgery. As it does, your new contours and enhanced self-image should continue to develop.
The fulfillment you feel from the initial results of liposuction should continue as long as you control your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Following liposuction, your slimmer and better-proportioned body should more accurately reflect the healthy and active life you lead. Â
How Much Will Liposuction Cost?
It will cost between 35-75k depending on the amount of fat to be aspirated and number of areas to be treated. The package will include
- Surgeon’s professional fee
- Administrative charges
- OT charges
- Surgical disposable
- Room charges
- Anesthetist fees
Non-Cosmetic Applications Of Liposuction Surgery
We also offer other non-cosmetic applications of liposuction surgery including:
Lipomas are ball like collections of fat tissue that appear as various sized lumps in the skin. They are sometimes as large as grapefruits! They are easy to remove with a combination of liposuction surgery and excision of any remaining lipomas tissue through one tiny incision. This procedure enables even tremendous lipomas to be removed with very small incisions. It is very useful for multiple lipomas present in the body.
Buffalo humps are collections of fat behind the neck. They usually appear after certain illnesses or with age. They are removed easily, painlessly and everlasting. Patients are ecstatic after treatment; they look and feel better and their collars don’t choke them.
Liposuction FAQs
What are the limitations of liposuction?
Liposuction is not meant as a method for weight loss. It is basically a reshaping procedure for areas where fat deposits have been resistant to healthy diet and exercise. The best results from liposuction occur in body areas where there is reasonable muscle tone and where skin has good elastic quality. In cases where there is a significant loss of tone or elasticity other cosmetic procedures such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) may be necessary.
When can I return Back to Work?
3-7 days, depending on the extent of the procedure
What is the suitable Age?
Liposuction can be performed at any age, but generally, the younger, the better.
About Fat
A. The body fat of an adult tends to increase gradually over the years. After the age of 30, an individual tends to add fat according to a genetically predetermined pattern. This fat distribution is often resistant to exercise and dieting. An example of genetically predetermined fat distribution that is resistant to dieting and exercise is the fat that appears on the abdomen and hips of a woman after pregnancy. For many people who have inherited the tendency to accumulate excessive fat, liposuction is the only realistic means of significantly changing the body’s silhouette.
What areas can be treated by liposuction?
A. The most frequently treated areas in women are the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and beneath the chin. In men, who comprise about 25% to 30% of patients who undergo liposuction, the most commonly treated areas include the love handles, abdomen, breasts, and the neck and chin area.
Are the results of liposuction everlasting?
A. Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back. As long as the patient does not gain an excessive amount of weight, the new, more pleasing silhouette is everlasting.
What is the Tumescent technique?
A. The Tumescent Technique of liposuction was developed in 1985. The Tumescent technique involves the use of large volumes of a dilute solution of lidocaine (a local anesthetic) in combination with the vasoconstrictive drug, epinephrine, which shrinks capillaries.
When can I return to normal activities?
A. Because of the significant decrease in swelling and decrease in inflammation and pain after surgery, patients are able to return to normal physical activities very soon after the procedure. There is no limitation of physical activity other than what common sense would dictate. Some patients are able to return to jogging, golf, or light aerobic exercise within a day or two after surgery. Some patients do find the soreness after surgery to be more significant than others, but on the average, most patients are surprised at how quickly they are able to return to normal activity.
How does the Tumescent technique result in better and smoother results?
A. Because very small cannula are used with the tumescent technique, it permits a more delicate and gentle approach to liposuction as the surgeon can control the direction and position of the cannula with much more accuracy. This results in a greatly reduced risk of inadvertently approaching the undersurface of the skin too closely and unintentionally causing skin irregularities. Further, the use of very small cannulas enables the surgeon to make such small incisions that no stitches are used. The wounds heal by themselves and virtually disappear over time.
Why is Liposuction Needed?
The number of fat cells in each person’s body is “fixed” by puberty. Fat cells are enlarged by overeating and shrunk with a low calorie diet and exercise. That’s how you gain and lose those bulges of fat associated with being overweight.
Research has shown that some fat cells react differently to certain hormones. These fat cells are bigger, and more apt to enlarge after overeating than the ordinary variety. They are often concentrated in the hips, buttocks and abdomen, and are stubbornly resistant to otherwise effective slimming techniques. Although a number of factors may influence the extent to which each individual has this problem, heredity plays a significant role. The result: love handles, saddlebags, and other unsightly deformities on a body that is otherwise fairly well proportioned. Liposuction everlasting removes some of these stubborn fat cells. If you gain weight after liposuction surgery, it is distributed evenly all over the body and will not reaccumulate first in the treated areas, nor will those areas be the last places where weight is lost.
Liposuction is now one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures performed in this country. It is proven to be a safe and effective way to remove fat deposits in the body.
Why Liposuction?
Operations to remove excess fat and skin have been around for years. Procedures, such as the tummy tuck, involve extensive surgery and often leave ugly scars. Today, people enjoy the benefits of liposuction, for body and facial contouring.
Looking trim and attractive is an asset in life. A slim body is a sign of health and vitality.
A new figure can do wonders for both your appearance and your self-confidence. When you feel good about your appearance, you face the world with more assurance.
Who is the Best Candidate for Liposuction?
There is no longer any age limit for this procedure, but the best candidate has good skin tone and realistic expectations. The presence of good skin tone will determine how taut the skin will be post-operatively. Liposuction surgery does not change skin tone. However, there are patients with poor to moderate skin tone who benefit greatly from this procedure because they will look much better in clothing and be able to wear garments more easily. This procedure does not significantly change a person’s weight or surface abnormalities on the skin. It does change the silhouette. If there are spider veins or blemishes on the skin, these will have to be treated separately. Overweight people with problem areas of fat are also good candidates.
Will I Lose a Lot of Blood?
There is very little loss of blood during this procedure. We have never needed a transfusion for any of our patients.
What Color is the Fat That is Removed?
The fat that is removed is a bright yellow. Occasionally, the fat is coral tinged if it contains a little blood, but the loss of blood is minimal. You do not have to donate blood preoperatively.
Will the Skin Hang after Surgery?
The amount of fat removed is determined by Dr. Prashant Yadav. Skin is quite elastic and pulls back so that it does not hang.
How Large are the Incisions?
The incisions are generally very small, approximately 1/4 inch. we try to hide them in areas where they can fade out to nothing. On some people it is very hard to see them even after surgery.
Will I Have Stitches?
The incisions are sometimes closed with stitches under the skin that are absorbed by the body. Occasionally, there are sutures on the surface of the skin that are removed in 5-7 days. Most incision areas are left unstitched.
Will I Have Scars?
Because only a tiny incision is required for the insertion of the tube, our method of facial and body recontouring leaves only minimal scars which are hidden in natural body folds – such as the crease of the buttock, or the back of an earlobe – so they are not normally visible. This is a major advantage over the older methods of fat removal surgery.
Will Liposuction Get Rid of Cellulite?
The surgery is not designed for this purpose and will not remove cellulite. It does however; make it a little bit better as the area is debulked.
Will the Fat Recur?
The number of fat cells is generally stable throughout one’s life. When fat cells are removed they do not re-grow. If a patient gains a few pounds post-operatively, weight is evenly distributed over the body rather than localized where it is used to accumulate. If a person gains a very large amount of weight, then new cells may form.
Is the Procedure Done in a Hospital?
No. Your liposuction will be performed in our fully equipped cosmetic surgery clinic. Following surgery, you can go home to recover in comfort. Of course, if you want your surgery done in the hospital, we can perform your surgery there.
Are There any Risks?
Current world experience indicates that when properly performed on good candidates, there are no long-term dangers.
Does it Hurt?
During the procedure patients feel virtually no pain because they are l sedated and have had a local anesthetic. The discomfort during the postoperative period is normally minimal and pain medications are prescribed to take control of pain
When Can I Return to Work?
Recovery times vary among patients. Usually, you can resume work and normal activity in 1-3 days depending on your particular surgery and type of work you do.
What Limitations Will I Have?
Depending on the area treated, you may engage in light exercise such as walking, stationary exercise bicycle, etc. as soon as you feel up to it and heavy, jarring exercise in 3-4 weeks.
How Long Will I Wear the Garment?
When large areas are treated, a comfortable garment is worn for 4-8 weeks. The garments are worn to prevent swelling, to redrape the skin, and to make the patient more comfortable with movement as it keeps the skin stabilized.
Is the Result everlasting?
Yes! The fat cells, once removed, will not come back and if your diet remains the same, the benefit of liposuction will last forever.
Will I Need a Second Procedure?
For most patients, one procedure is all that is necessary. About 5% of patients need a fine tuning procedure at a future date.
What Areas Can be Recontoured?
Liposuction can smooth or contour almost any area of the body, and is equally successful in men and women. The most common areas are beneath the chin, the upper arms, the abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, legs and ankles. The jowls, cheeks and neck are also common areas that can be recontoured. Breasts in men can also be flattened.
How Many Areas Can be Treated at One Time?
Multiple areas can be done at one time. We may do lateral thighs, hips, waist, buttocks, inner thighs, knees & abdomen in one session. For patients with unusually large deformities, arrangements will be made ahead of time to do the procedure in several stages. This makes for easy healing and more rapid recovery, and is safer.
Will the Treated Areas be Smooth and Contoured?
Most areas of the body heal smoothly. However, in the thigh area a condition called “waddles” or slight hills and valleys in the skin is known to occur. With our unique method of micro-liposuction, this problem is virtually eliminated, and results are natural and smooth.
What About Fat Transfer?
Your fat cells can be re-injected safely under the skin to parts of your body that need “pumping up” such as the lips, breast or chin. This process is known as fat transfer. Since your own body fat is used, there is no chance of allergy or rejection.