PRP Therapy is very safe because cells from the patient’s own blood are used, which means there are no preservatives and no chance of the body rejecting the cells.

  • The primary risks and discomforts are related to the blood draw where there is a slight pinch to insert the needle for collection and there is a potential for bruising at the site.
  • For optimal results and to decrease the chance of bruising at the draw site, please avoid all blood thinning medications and herbal supplements for 1 week prior to your appointment.
  • Avoid taking Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) such as such as Ibuprofen. In addition, very high doses of some Vitamins and supplements can thin your blood and increase the chance of bruising.
  • During the course of your treatments, notify doctor of any changes to your medical history, health status, or personal activities that may be relevant to your treatment.



Day 1: Erythema, swelling, bruising, tenderness, tingling, numbness, lumpiness, and/or a feeling of pressure or fullness at the injection sites and/or in the treated area(s).


Day 2: A reddish or pink hue and mild swelling may persist.


Days 3-7: Skin will feel rough like sandpaper lasting up to 5 days. Do not use any sort of scrub to speed up this process as it can cause moderate to severe skin irritation.

Post treatment


  1. Avoid direct sunexposure for 3-4 days post treatment.


  1. Wash the face thoroughly a few hours after the treatment. Gently massage the face with tepid water and remove all serum and other debris (there may be some dried blood that you can remove at this time). You may use a very gentle cleanser avoiding any type with acids such as AHA and scrubs. Avoid the sun and apply sunscreen which is paraben free.


  1. For the first few days after treatment the skin will be very dry and tight. Mineral makeup can be used beginning the day after your treatment.


  1. Cold gel packs/ice may be gently applied immediately after treatment to reduce swelling.


  1. To Avoid Bruising: Avoid alcohol consumption for a minimum of 6 hours and refrain from taking blood thinners such as Aspirin and NSAIDS for several days.


  1. Avoid touching or scrubbing at the injection sites for 24 hours after treatment. Sleep on your back with your head elevated and avoid rubbing the treated area for 2 weeks.


  1. Avoid direct high heat (blow dryer, sun exposure, sauna, steam room, very hot shower, hot yoga, strenuous exercise, etc.) for 24 hours after treatment


  1. Makeup may be applied immediately after the treatment if desired.


  1. No Facials, Facial Massages, or Laser Treatments for 2 Weeks Afterward, Most facials, chemical peels, laser, and light treatments may be done immediately prior to the treatment but not for 2 weeks after the treatment. Botox® may be injected immediately before or after.


  1. After 2-3 days, you may resume your normal skin care routine. Vitamin A products are recommended, as well as peptides and growth factors.


  1. Avoid alcohol based toners for 10-14 days.


Combination Therapy for Optimal Results:


PRP Therapy stimulates your skin to grow new, younger tissue however;it does not prevent muscle movement or resurface the skin. Most patients see best results when combining their PRP treatments with other anti-aging procedures such as Botox®, HA Filler, etc.


Follow up:


Most patients see improvement within 2-4 weeks with continued improvement for up to 12 weeks. If the desired level of correction has not been reached within 4-12 weeks then we recommend repeating the procedure at 4-12 week intervals until you achieve the result you desire.


Maintenance Treatments:


The results of this treatment can last up to 2 years, but results vary and research documenting the longevity of results is ongoing. Maintenance treatments are recommended every 6-12 months.

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