Vaser Liposuction
What Is VASER?
VASER 2.0 liposelection is the newest form of liposuction which is being introduced for the first time in India at Dezire Clinic.
VASER’ stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance which uses advanced ultrasound technology to gently breakdown fat from different areas of the body.
- VASER 4D is the highly advanced body contouring procedure in the world.
- VASER is an advanced lipolysis ultrasound technology (VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance). During surgery, the VASER probe uses sound energy to melt fat tissue before it is removed.
- The energy specifically targets fat cells and leaves everything else around it intact. It makes suction gentle, leaving little bruising and trauma behind. During the Hi-Def procedure, Dr. Prashant uses this ultrasound-assisted liposuction to gently melt and remove unwanted fat from your abdomen, back, arms, legs, and buttocks.
- Traditional liposuction has taught that simply removing fat does nothing for muscular definition. To create super-sexy muscles, Dr. Prashant then uses Liposculpture. Liposculpture describes a strategic form of leaving specific areas of fat intact and removing others.
- For example, in liposculpting the male abdominal muscles for a rock-hard “six-pack” appearance, Dr. Prashant would leave small layers of fat over the top of the muscle, but heavily aspirate fat from between the muscles. Thus, the muscle itself is enhanced, and the lines between appear like deep, ripped valleys. The result is an athletic abdomen with “six-pack” abs. In the same way, Dr. Prashant then creates a tight waistline, toned arms, solid thighs, and the buttocks of your dreams.
- It’s not just liposuction. It’s VASER Hi-Def Liposculpture.
Standard Vaser, Vaser Mid-Def and Vaser Hi-Def is a procedure which reshapes areas of the body by removing excess fat that will not shift through diet and rigorous exercise alone. This can also be due to genetics, lifestyle or simply the changes we all experience due to aging.
Vaser Lipo Facts
- Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures
- Many patients are looking for safer, less painful alternatives to traditional liposuction.
- VASER® Lipo, or LipoSelection®, is an advanced body contouring procedure that uses gentle ultrasonic energy to selectively target unwanted fat, while preserving other important tissue structures such as blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue.
- VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.
- Over 100,000 procedures have been performed to date with no serious complications attributed to the VASER Lipo System.
- In a recent study published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, patients treated with VASER Lipo had 7.5 times less blood loss than those treated with traditional liposuction.
- The VASER Lipo System received FDA Clearance for body contouring in September 2002.
- VASER Lipo is a trusted body contouring method in a society saturated with fad procedures.
- VASER Lipo benefits over traditional liposuction:
- Smooth, predictable results in all areas of the body
- Improved skin retraction
- Reduced number of re-treatments
- Fast patient recovery
- Reduced physician fatigue
Vaser Lipo Vs. Traditional Liposuction
Traditional liposuction removes unwanted fat through a process called avulsion. This is a physically demanding surgical technique on both the surgeon and the patient. It uses a suction device to tear apart surrounding tissues in order to break up fatty deposits. Any tissues, such as nerves, vessels, or collagen structures in the fatty layer that get pulled into the suction cannula will be torn or damaged. This can lead to increased pain and bruising, and a long recovery time.
VASER Lipo uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology designed to gently reshape your body. Ultrasound is actually sound energy that travels in waves. What makes this approach unique is that these waves can be targeted specifically to fatty tissue. The high energy waves cause the VASER probe to vibrate and liquefy the fatty tissue on contact. A specially-designed suction device is then used to gently remove the liquefied fat, while preserving the surrounding connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves.
Why is it important to leave these other tissues in place? If blood vessels and nerves aren’t damaged, you experience minimal bruising and pain. Preserving connected tissues enhances healing and promotes good skin retraction. With its minimally-invasive approach, VASER Lipo provides smooth, predictable results and fast patient recovery.
Vaser Lipo Procedure
Tumescent Fluid Infusion
To begin the procedure, a tumescent fluid is injected into the treatment area. Tumescent fluid is a mixture of lidocaine and epinephrine. The solution helps expand the tissue layer, while the lidocaine numbs the area, and the epinephrine works by shrinking the blood vessels. This will not only help to control bleeding during the procedure, but will help to minimize bruising during your recovery.
Emulsification Of Fatty Tissue
A small probe is inserted that emits ultrasonic energy. The energy travels in high-frequency waves that are dispersed evenly from all sides of the probe. This energy causes the VASER probe to vibrate, selectively breaking apart the fatty tissue on contact. The ultrasonic energy actually works by emulsifying, or liquefying the fatty tissue. As the energy is targeted only toward fat, the surrounding connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves are preserved.
Removal Of Fatty Tissue (Fat Aspiration )
Next step is to remove the fat from the body using a gentle suction device. This specialized suction device removes the liquefied fat while minimizing trauma to the surrounding tissues. The VASER Lipo technique preserves these important tissues to promote an enhanced patient experience.
During the healing process, your skin will retract to give you a smooth, natural-looking result.
Vaser Lipo Recovery
Patients are able to go back to work within days after their VASER Lipo procedure. You should begin to see results within the first few weeks. Your results will continue to improve with time as the tissues in the treatment area heal, with final results revealed between 3 and 6 months.
Vaser Lipo FAQ’s
Vaser Hi-def and Vaser 4D Lipo
Vaser Hi-def Liposculpture is an advanced state of the art procedure. It was pioneered and developed by renowned Columbium cosmetic surgeon Dr Alfredo Hoyos. Dr Prashant Yadav has been trained in Vaser Hi-Def and Vaser 4D lipo under his guidance.
Vaser Hi-def really is cutting edge technology; it sculpts the body which can create an athletic and sculptured appearance. Vaser Hi-Def can help fit and healthy people achieve the muscle definition that requires a lot of hard work and dedication at the gym.
The technique selectively removes the smaller deposits of fat surrounding specific muscle groups. In turn this then enhances the natural contours of the muscles. It allows for the creation of an abdominal six-pack providing men and women with the chiseled ripped look.
It allows for the creation of an abdominal six-pack, accentuation of the serratus anterior muscle (boxers muscle) and highlighting the external oblique muscle. You can also define the pectoralis muscle in the chest and remove the excess fat in the love handle area to create the desired “V” shaped physique along with a six pack and a broad, muscled chest.”
Vaser Hi-Def is generally suitable for fit men and women who already maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise but perhaps aren’t able to dedicate the amount of time needed at the gym in order to achieve the defined muscle look. Vaser Hi-Def is your helping hand in achieving your desired look which is to then be maintained through healthy diet and regular exercise.
It is probably the best way to achieve the six-pack or muscled look for men and the athletic trim look in women. It is not about creating a slimmer body shape; it is about creating the best possible body silhouette.”
Vaser Hi-Def can be performed on all adults depending on their level of health.
Areas That Can Be Treated With Vaser Hi-Def Male
Arms | Chest | Stomach | Upper Back | Inner Thigh | Knees |
Gynecomastia | Flanks | Mid Back | Outer Thigh | Calves | |
Axilla Clearance | Lower Back | Ankles |
Areas That Can Be Treated With Vaser Hi-Def Female
Arms | Breasts | Stomach | Upper Back | Banana Roll | Knees |
Bra Fat | Waist | Mid Back | Inner Thigh | Calves | |
Hips | Lower Back | Outer Thigh | Ankles |