breast-asymmetry-correctionBreasts are not only a body part but they also enhance the beauty of feminine figure but research shows that 10% of women have one smaller and flatter breast as compared to other which is larger and sagging. Sometimes this difference is so minor that you wouldn’t be able to notice it either but as a woman gets older, the difference between her two breasts can increase because the small breast tends to stay flat while the larger one grows even larger and more sagging with pregnancies or weight changes. This asymmetry or difference between the two breasts can be corrected with surgery.

Breast asymmetry correction can be performed by various methods you can either reduce the larger breast or add volume to the smaller, flatter one. As everyone wishes different look and different procedure, Dr. Prashant will carefully examine your medical history, your current breast shape, and your desires before recommending a specific, personalized approach focused on your goals in order to help you plan a procedure that creates the appearance you want.

Dr Prashant’s analysis will help you to determine not only which treatment best for your situation, but also what incision and technique is best for your individual needs. In your consultation he will outline the benefits and trade-offs of each option before you make the right personal decision unique to you and your body.

What is the procedure of breast asymmetry surgery?

Breast asymmetry correction surgery can be performed in various ways and in different combinations such as breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast reconstruction.

Breast Augmentation:

Breast Augmentation is a procedure in which some volume is added to the smaller, flatter breast. First an incision either under the armpit, in the crease under the breast or around the areola, then fat taken from some other part of your own body is added to the breast and the incision are closed

Scar less Breast Reduction:

A Vaser ultrasonic energy is used to gently melt the fat directly under the skin and to encourage skin-tightening the Vaser to help melt the dense fat in this area. Through the 3mm incisions, Dr Prashant will slowly guides the cannula to the targeted areas to remove the excess fat with precision and resulting in less pain, bruising and downtime for the patient

Combination approaches: Due to the many variations of breast asymmetries, some require a more complex approach to achieve satisfying results. In some cases, implants with slight or greater size or shape differences may achieve the desired results. In other cases, it will be necessary to reposition the nipple, refine the areola, or adjust the position of the breast mound through breast lift which may also include an enlargement as well.

Special considerations: Some women are born with breasts that never develop chest muscles that are missing, or chest bone shapes that are uneven and unsightly. This can become a physical and emotional burden during teenage years when breast are normally developing. Childhood surgical procedures or trauma can also keep breasts from developing normally, and for mature women disease or cancer can result in partial or total breast removal and possible negative changes from radiation treatment.


How long does surgery take?

The length of the surgery depends on the type of procedure you choose, your anatomy and the incision technique, generally ranging from 2-4 hours.

Will I have to stay in the hospital?

No, most breast augmentation and reduction surgeries are performed as an outpatient procedure. You will be able to go home the very same day

Will there be some discomfort after surgery?

You will feel certain discomfort after surgery such as pain, swelling or may be little bruising but all these are temporary. Breast augmentation stretches the tissues, and can be painful. The pain is greatest in the first 48 hours, but will subdue within few days. You will have some swelling and perhaps a little bruising for a few days. After the first week, you may resume your normal activities including sexual relations. Vigorous athletic activity such as dance or aerobic classes should be avoided for three weeks after breast surgery.

Who can consider this surgery?

In general, the best candidates for asymmetrical breast correction are:

• 18 years of age or older
• Not currently pregnant or nursing
• In good physical health
• Psychologically stable
• Wanting to improve their appearance
• Realistic in their expectations
• Having this surgery for the first time